Monday, February 7, 2011

College Artwork

This section is for the pieces I have completed so far during college. This will probably get updated a lot from here on.

The first page of the graphic novel my friend is writing. This won't be anytime soon since my friend will be in boot camp soon.
A random design I came up with out boredom. Seemed interesting. Inking was a pain.

These three are the same design. The top is the original version that was inked. The other two are the digital versions made in Photoshop CS4.
A Megaman fan picture. It was really a test use of the pen tool in Photoshop. It came out quite successful.
A poster design featuring what seems to be my mascot, The Random Moose. The words behind the moose is basically my thoughts about him haha.

These four pieces are the latest of my drawings. Four cartoon busts of my friends from high school. More of these are still in the process of being made since so many of my friends seem to really want to be drawn after seeing these on Facebook recently.

High School Artwork Cont'd

The other class I took was Independent Art. In that class we were allowed to pick our projects. Mine were mostly comic based.

A type of sculpture I created based off a weapon from a game, but with my own design. Made from only masking tape, cardboard and hot glue.

The cover of a comic idea I came up with. The story had to do with zombies and what-not.

First page of the prologue to the zombie comic. Introduces the young protagonist as well as my mascot of sort, The Random Moose.

A painting of the Godfather I picked as my last project for the class. It was quickly finished in 2 days, done only with acrylic paints.

Outside of my classes I still made artwork. Mostly comic artwork or sculpture using cardboard.

A gauntlet design I came up with using cardboard and hot glue. The fingers are able to bend and move with one's hand.
Another idea for a comic. Based on me and my friends during our last year of high school.

All of these images are character designs for the characters. They were based off their real life counter parts.

Character design for the main character in my friends idea of a graphic novel based on the zombie apocalypse.
A zombified version of the main character as a test to make people look like zombies.

HIgh School Artwork

For the purpose of not embarrassing myself with my crappy artwork from my early years of high school I'm only going to post my artwork from my senior year. During my senior year I took several art classes, not to mention all the other art classes I took in the earlier years of high school. Anyways, Senior year I took a two part Sculpture class and Independent Art class, which is essentially coming up with your own projects. Besides those classes I still did art outside of class so there are different types of media I worked with that year.

First up I'll post some sculptures I made during class.
A joint project between me and my friend. My friend was the "model" for the design of our foam man. It's created from foam, dowel, and hot glue. Has actually moving joints where they should be on the human anatomy.         
A project in which we tried creating molds out of plaster. I went with the whole dead cattle found in a desert look. Went the extra mile by using thinned out paint to make them look like a dusty color.

We had to create a figure out of wire. We had the choice of how they were to be positioned. I made the figure take the position of a drawing I made of a character kneeling.


Welcome to my blog, a portal my imagination and headquarters to my artwork. All the artwork I post on here is going to be for the purpose of building an online portfolio.